Vale Robert Jolly
Vale Robert Jolly 19/03/1949 – 19/08/2024 Robert played the sport of Polocrosse for fifty years, being introduced to the sport
Polocrosse Victoria administers seasonal competition
clubs across the state of Victoria.
Stay up to date with all the latest news and events from Polocrosse clubs across the state.
Designed to introduce new players and welcome back former players to enjoy polocrosse in a fun environment.
Polocrosse Victoria aims to provide it’s members with all the information you need to get the most out of polocrosse.
As the name itself implies, Polocrosse is a combination of polo, lacrosse and netball. It is played on horseback, each rider using a cane stick, made up of a polo stick shaft to which is attached a squash racquet type head with a loose twisted-thread net, in which the ball is carried. The stick may be of any length, usually from 1.0m to 1.2m overall. The ball is made of thick- skinned sponge rubber, 100mm-103mm in diameter, and weighs 140-155 grams.
Each player is permitted only one horse in each match or tournament, except in the case of injury when a substitute horse can be played. There is no restriction on the height of horses.
Vale Robert Jolly 19/03/1949 – 19/08/2024 Robert played the sport of Polocrosse for fifty years, being introduced to the sport
Congratulations to all the Victoria teams. You have all represented Victoria well. Masters Mens Vic 11 defeated by QLD 29
Congratulations to the Under 21 Men team who have WON their division at the Australian Polocrosse Nationals, Chinchilla QLD 2024.